Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Book, video film reels

The conversion of a young Italian (Tito Parigi) with an adventurous spirit from a city slicker with a love of animals, to a hunter of african game; was chronicled in his book which after over thirty years, has been translated to english and (e) published on the internet. As well as his hunting "hobby" he had interests in photography and in those days - film reels now beautifully frame-by-frame digitized and being published snippet by snippet on Youtube. Archival footage of anything in Zambia in 1971 is very rare, so to me, these reels have value outside of the hunting


Dr Clam said...

The link to the book isn't working for me. And Klaus still hasn't responded to the threads on his blogs where we last posted. :( But the main thing I wanted to say was, congratulations on this fine initiative!

Marco Parigi said...

try googling Tito Parigi